The importance of the land to the people: The tenants of the land are being kicked off ant they don't want to, because they are connected to the land. They were born on the land, they work on the land, they get killed on the land, they die on the land.
We vs. I: I represents the bank, the tractor driver tells the tenant that if you wanna get 3 dollars a day you only have to think about your own children not about the land. The We is the tenants who are connected to the land that don't wanna leave, they are the land.
Anger: The tenants are angry that they are being kicked off the land, they are actually sad but the women know that sadness will turn into anger so they give them there space so they don't take there anger out on there family.
People vs. "Moloch": Moloch is the monster, its what is kicking the tenants of the land, its the machines that are replacing the work of all the croppers.
Summary: The monster is kicking all the tenants off thier land because they are being replaced by machines, so now they have nowhere to go and they will starve, the tractor driver talks to one of the tenants about how he is getting 3 dollars a day because he is thinking about his family, and not the land. The tenant is one with the land and he does not want to give it up because that land is his entire life, the tenants are the we.
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