Monday, December 13, 2010

Huck Finn review questions XXXI-XXXV

1.) Yes, because Huck realizes that he will go against everything he has been taught growing up to help a slave, he will go to hell for Jim, because of the bond they have formed over time. He will be stealing someones property which puts him entirely against society.

2.)Huck once said that going to hell would be better then going to heaven because it would be more fun, now he is saying that he is going to go hell for real for stealing a slave and helping him to freedom.

3.)The country is described as lonesome, dark, and gloomy, kind of what hucks life is like right now he has been through a lot, and now he is without jim the one person he has gotten close to so this place symbolizes hucks current life.

4.) Huck thinks that providence always puts the right words in his mouth, so he doesn't make a plan which probably isn't a good idea because he can't completely rely on providence, I don't think that Ms.Watson wouldn't agree because he is counting on god to come up with lies, which is not okay.

5.) He says that nobody got hurt, it just killed a nigger, the whole reason Huck is here is to steal Jim back so it is ironic that he isn't counting a slave as a person when he says nobody got hurt.

6.) Romanticism vs.Realism, because Tom Sawyer is coming and he is very adventerous and he could help huck come up with an idea to steal Jim back.

7.) Huck is doing this because he cares for Jim and he wants to spend time with him again and Tom is doing this because he want's an adventure like the ones he read about in books.

8.) Even though he wanted to get away from them he still has a good heart, he cares for other people and he doesn't like to see them in bad situations even if they are of the nastiest kind of people. He doesn't understand how people could be so cruel.

9.) He thinks that stealing is only okay if your using it to break out of prison but the things that he mentioned weren't really that important for people breaking out of prison, but its ironic because it is toms familys watermelon so they aren't really stealing.

10.) Because he thinks that Tom is smarter than he is. Also Huck trys to avoid confrantation so he doesn't want to tell tom he can't lead the group.

1 comment:

  1. #5 - strange that Huck hasn't made the connection that all "niggers" are people, just like Jim.

    #2 - Huck has grown since his early lessons with Miss Watson. He believes that God reflects society (which he does) and that he is a bad person, so its ironic, but not that much. Really, it marks his change.
