Mark Twain's disliking of romanticism shows through Tom Sawyers character. Tom is a boy who bases most of his ideas and plans off of story books. His plans are pretty unrealistic and mostly wouldn't happen in an actual situation, which shows how most romantic novels, like the ones tom has read, puts ideas in peoples minds that are unrealistic. It seems quite ironic that Huck, who has been through so many different adventures and hardships wants to be like Tom because Tom has really not done anything except make believe he is this heroic person who can do really awesome things just like hero's in story books.
Tom sawyers unrealistic mindset really shows in chapters 36-39, when they two boys are trying to free Jim. This task really isn't that hard, but tom had to make it that way by coming up with this elaborate plan that really didn't make any sense and was super unrealistic. Tom has them dig under the cabin with case-knives, and when the hole is dug and Jim is able to come out Tom comes up with more things for them to do. Jim could have gotten out of the cabin long before he did but with Toms bazaar plan he didn't. While in his long stay in captivity Tom had him tame reptiles, and tend a flower with his tears, over exaggerating the entire situation. To make matters worse Tom has to write these letters to his aunt and uncle about how the Indians were planning to steal there runaway slave which makes there escape even more difficult. Because of all these setbacks Tom Sawyer gets shot in the leg. Huck and Jim go along with all of this because to them Tom is this smart boy who can read and has gotten a good education, when really all that reading he did put them through a lot of difficulty, and before Tom was there and Jim and Huck got through tough situations just find using there street smart, something that Tom Sawyer doesn't really have.
When Tom gets shot it really shows you the foolishness of his plan and romaticism all together. Dramatizing a situation won't help them in the end it will only make matters worse, all that time they put off making the plan more difficult, and to tom more adventerous, just made it more likely to end badly which showed when Tom was shot.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Huck Finn Review Questions XL-End
1.) Jim really is a great person, he is willing to risk his freedom to save Tom who has done nothing but bad to him, and he did this before he knew he was free to begin with. When he does find out that he is free he is the happiest man there could be, nothing could make him angry, not even tom.
2.) The speech, which expresses what a great man Jim is saves his life. Not everyone in this society thinks the same, slaves to some people are actually people and i think the doctors speech actually makes other realize that. He showed that Jim is more than a slave.
3.)Tom wears the bullet around his neck to show everyone that he got shot, he is proud of it. This symbolizes romanticism, he wants to be like those big time hero's he reads about. This really signifies the death of romanticism, even after everything they have been through people still don't change.
4.) He goes to the the territories west of the Mississippi because he refuses to live a civilized life. through all his adventures and everything he has seen he really saw the cruel way society runs, and he doesn't want to be apart of it so he leaves to go live his own life and go westward away from society.
5.) Huck Finn is a great novel, and it is that way because it is in 1st person, cause your going on all the adventures with Huck and you see how he feels about everything going on around him rather than just see it from the opinion of another person. Huck is an unreliable narrator, he says things that are not always true or don't have a lot of facts that back him up but that makes the book more about him. The is the adventures of Huck Finn not the adventured of huck finn told by someone else.
2.) The speech, which expresses what a great man Jim is saves his life. Not everyone in this society thinks the same, slaves to some people are actually people and i think the doctors speech actually makes other realize that. He showed that Jim is more than a slave.
3.)Tom wears the bullet around his neck to show everyone that he got shot, he is proud of it. This symbolizes romanticism, he wants to be like those big time hero's he reads about. This really signifies the death of romanticism, even after everything they have been through people still don't change.
4.) He goes to the the territories west of the Mississippi because he refuses to live a civilized life. through all his adventures and everything he has seen he really saw the cruel way society runs, and he doesn't want to be apart of it so he leaves to go live his own life and go westward away from society.
5.) Huck Finn is a great novel, and it is that way because it is in 1st person, cause your going on all the adventures with Huck and you see how he feels about everything going on around him rather than just see it from the opinion of another person. Huck is an unreliable narrator, he says things that are not always true or don't have a lot of facts that back him up but that makes the book more about him. The is the adventures of Huck Finn not the adventured of huck finn told by someone else.
Huck Finn review questions XXXI-XXXV
1.) Yes, because Huck realizes that he will go against everything he has been taught growing up to help a slave, he will go to hell for Jim, because of the bond they have formed over time. He will be stealing someones property which puts him entirely against society.
2.)Huck once said that going to hell would be better then going to heaven because it would be more fun, now he is saying that he is going to go hell for real for stealing a slave and helping him to freedom.
3.)The country is described as lonesome, dark, and gloomy, kind of what hucks life is like right now he has been through a lot, and now he is without jim the one person he has gotten close to so this place symbolizes hucks current life.
4.) Huck thinks that providence always puts the right words in his mouth, so he doesn't make a plan which probably isn't a good idea because he can't completely rely on providence, I don't think that Ms.Watson wouldn't agree because he is counting on god to come up with lies, which is not okay.
5.) He says that nobody got hurt, it just killed a nigger, the whole reason Huck is here is to steal Jim back so it is ironic that he isn't counting a slave as a person when he says nobody got hurt.
6.) Romanticism vs.Realism, because Tom Sawyer is coming and he is very adventerous and he could help huck come up with an idea to steal Jim back.
7.) Huck is doing this because he cares for Jim and he wants to spend time with him again and Tom is doing this because he want's an adventure like the ones he read about in books.
8.) Even though he wanted to get away from them he still has a good heart, he cares for other people and he doesn't like to see them in bad situations even if they are of the nastiest kind of people. He doesn't understand how people could be so cruel.
9.) He thinks that stealing is only okay if your using it to break out of prison but the things that he mentioned weren't really that important for people breaking out of prison, but its ironic because it is toms familys watermelon so they aren't really stealing.
10.) Because he thinks that Tom is smarter than he is. Also Huck trys to avoid confrantation so he doesn't want to tell tom he can't lead the group.
2.)Huck once said that going to hell would be better then going to heaven because it would be more fun, now he is saying that he is going to go hell for real for stealing a slave and helping him to freedom.
3.)The country is described as lonesome, dark, and gloomy, kind of what hucks life is like right now he has been through a lot, and now he is without jim the one person he has gotten close to so this place symbolizes hucks current life.
4.) Huck thinks that providence always puts the right words in his mouth, so he doesn't make a plan which probably isn't a good idea because he can't completely rely on providence, I don't think that Ms.Watson wouldn't agree because he is counting on god to come up with lies, which is not okay.
5.) He says that nobody got hurt, it just killed a nigger, the whole reason Huck is here is to steal Jim back so it is ironic that he isn't counting a slave as a person when he says nobody got hurt.
6.) Romanticism vs.Realism, because Tom Sawyer is coming and he is very adventerous and he could help huck come up with an idea to steal Jim back.
7.) Huck is doing this because he cares for Jim and he wants to spend time with him again and Tom is doing this because he want's an adventure like the ones he read about in books.
8.) Even though he wanted to get away from them he still has a good heart, he cares for other people and he doesn't like to see them in bad situations even if they are of the nastiest kind of people. He doesn't understand how people could be so cruel.
9.) He thinks that stealing is only okay if your using it to break out of prison but the things that he mentioned weren't really that important for people breaking out of prison, but its ironic because it is toms familys watermelon so they aren't really stealing.
10.) Because he thinks that Tom is smarter than he is. Also Huck trys to avoid confrantation so he doesn't want to tell tom he can't lead the group.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Huck Finn Review Questions XXI-XXIII
1.) The people in this town are cruel, not because they have to be in order to survive but because they find enjoyment in it. For example, they love watching dog fight, back then dogs weren't your typical house pets they were mostly strays, but they still were living creatures so the fact that watching them fight to the death and torturing them till they died was extremely cruel. This relates to the essay because any other animal besides a human does everything they need to do to survive, they do not do cruel and unusual things just for enjoyment like a person does. Which makes a person, the cruelest animal there is.
2.) He thinks the two men are hipocrits, although he benefits from what they do he does not want to participate because he thinks that it is wrong, but he doesn't argue with them because he doesn't want there to be qaurrels on the raft.
4.) The circus is actually a real performance, not a scam, they are just trying to get money and they think that in order to do that they need to do shakespeare because everyone loves shakespeare but in the end nobody really showed up so then the King and the Duke find away to bring in people and money and thehy use comedy cause that worked so well for the circus.
5.) Huck thinks that the man in the circus got fooled when really it was all a skit all along. This shows that Huck is an unreliable narrator.
6.)When they see something that syas women and children are not allowed it makes it seem like that it is something that they cannot see, something that it is only for mens eyes which makes it seem interesting.
7.) It implies that the two men are no better then real kings, because from what Huck as read real kings are not that great, in fact they are quite cruel from what huck has read or hear. But huck despite what he thinks doesn't know all the much about kings and queens he is just basing his opinion off of one king that he has heard about.
8.) He finds something out about Jim that he didn't really know. Jim is a family man and he really missed them, and this makes him think about what he did and how it affected his daughter and he feels really bad.
9.) a.) Huck is with widow Douglas, he goes to school
b.) Huck joins tom sawyers gang
c.) huck is scared that his father is going to take all his money so he gives it to the judge
d.) Pap shows up and guilt trips huck for getting an education
e.) Pap takes Huck
f.) Huck fakes his death and flees to Jackson island
g.) He discovers JIm
H.) plays pranks on JIm
i.) HUck and Jim see a floating house with a dead body on it
j.) Huck dresses up as a girl and tries to get information from a woman
k.) Huck and JIm discover a steam boat which huck gets on because he wan't to be adventerous
l.) discover 2 men almost killing another man
m.) huck and jim get lost in the fog
n.) they get hit by a steam boat and huck goes to the grunderson house
o.) reunites with Jim
p.) meet duke and king
q.) watches them con everyone
r.) see's bobs gets killed watches the mob go after the killer
t.) goes to the circus
2.) He thinks the two men are hipocrits, although he benefits from what they do he does not want to participate because he thinks that it is wrong, but he doesn't argue with them because he doesn't want there to be qaurrels on the raft.
4.) The circus is actually a real performance, not a scam, they are just trying to get money and they think that in order to do that they need to do shakespeare because everyone loves shakespeare but in the end nobody really showed up so then the King and the Duke find away to bring in people and money and thehy use comedy cause that worked so well for the circus.
5.) Huck thinks that the man in the circus got fooled when really it was all a skit all along. This shows that Huck is an unreliable narrator.
6.)When they see something that syas women and children are not allowed it makes it seem like that it is something that they cannot see, something that it is only for mens eyes which makes it seem interesting.
7.) It implies that the two men are no better then real kings, because from what Huck as read real kings are not that great, in fact they are quite cruel from what huck has read or hear. But huck despite what he thinks doesn't know all the much about kings and queens he is just basing his opinion off of one king that he has heard about.
8.) He finds something out about Jim that he didn't really know. Jim is a family man and he really missed them, and this makes him think about what he did and how it affected his daughter and he feels really bad.
9.) a.) Huck is with widow Douglas, he goes to school
b.) Huck joins tom sawyers gang
c.) huck is scared that his father is going to take all his money so he gives it to the judge
d.) Pap shows up and guilt trips huck for getting an education
e.) Pap takes Huck
f.) Huck fakes his death and flees to Jackson island
g.) He discovers JIm
H.) plays pranks on JIm
i.) HUck and Jim see a floating house with a dead body on it
j.) Huck dresses up as a girl and tries to get information from a woman
k.) Huck and JIm discover a steam boat which huck gets on because he wan't to be adventerous
l.) discover 2 men almost killing another man
m.) huck and jim get lost in the fog
n.) they get hit by a steam boat and huck goes to the grunderson house
o.) reunites with Jim
p.) meet duke and king
q.) watches them con everyone
r.) see's bobs gets killed watches the mob go after the killer
t.) goes to the circus
Huck Finn Review Questions XV-XX
1.)The fog symbolizes the society, it blinds them and makes it so they can't do anything that they plan to do. The light is peace and freedom when they are in the light they can do whatever they need to and go wherever they need to without being blinded.
2.) He feels bad about playing a trick on Jim because he does care for Jim even though Jim is a slave, Jim realizes that even though Jim is a slave he still has feelings just like any other man which kind of makes Huck realize that slaves have feelings too.
a.) Huck in a way is freaking out because he thinks he is the reason that Jim's is free and if anyone were to find out that Huck help free Jim, Huck would suffer an extremely harsh punishment, maybe even death. Freeing a slave is pretty much the worst thing you could do back then which is what Huck grew up learning, even though he is actually helping out someone that he cares about.
b.) Jim wants to go steal his own children from the man who owns them, it is ironic because these are Jim's children and in order to be with them he has to steal the from someone else who owns them, when really he should "own" his children. Huck is hesitant about helping Jim get free so he could steal the children because he does not know the man who owns Jim's children, that man has never done anything bad to Huck he is just a typical man who owns slaves, a man like any men that Huck has grown up with, so the fact that Jim wants to steal the slaves that this man owns kind of worries Huck because by helping Jim get free he is allowing/helping him steal from a man Huck doesn't even know.
c.) Why do the right thing when it is harder, rather than just take the easy route and do the wrong thing because they both end in the same way.
d.)They need to turn when they get to Cairo or they will end up in the south which is a really bad place for runaway slaves, and now they think they missed the turn and Jim thinks that it was because of the snake skin which was really bad luck.
4.)Huck makes up a story about his father being extremely sick with small pocks and they feel bad for Huck so they give him $40 because they won't physically help him because they do want to get small pocks.
5.)The values of a person by a society, society destroys the individuality of people. The steam boat is the society and the man made raft is the individuality of one person.
6.) He didn't really like the novel, he didn't think it was going anywhere, he actually started writing another book, but he went on a cruise where he encountered the KKK in many places which made him start writing Huck Finn again.
7.)The entire chapter brings up a romantic idea of death. Romeo and Juliet.
8.) Huck is able to see how ridiculous the feud is because he is an outsider, the two families don't even know why they are fighting, they just do it because there families have been doing it forever. This brings up the role of an outsider, Huck is the outsider to this family so he realizes how dumb this is when the family doesn't
9.)He thinks that Buck is actually asking him a question about moses, he does not understand that it is a riddle. I think that Huck could be compared to moses, Moses frees the slaves, similar to Huck freeing Jim.
10.)The hogs will go to church whenever they want to, whereas people will only go on the day they have to. So this is stating that hogs are better then people because they aren't going to church because they have to they are going because they want to. The men who go to church bring guns and hide them, which is ironic because they whole sermon was about brotherly love.
11.) It symbolizes romanticism, this feud is similar to the feud in romeo and Juliet. These people really have no idea why they are fighting they only do it because that's what there family has always done. And i think they continue the feud because they love the competition which is a natural human trait.
12.)They were allowed to whatever they wanted on the raft, unlike the house where everything was corrupt and Huck had a daily schedule.
13.)Huck and Jim were always naked, they were free from clothes just like they were free from society.
14.) Because he does not want any quarrels on the raft, pap taught him that it is better to let people play and let them do their own thing rather than argue with them.
16.) The king plays Juliet, which is funny because the king is really old and ugly which satirizes the book.
17.)The king is scamming all these people by saying he is a born again pirate which just symbolizes the extreme gullibility of people.
18.)He is just showing how gullible people can be by believing these men. These men are con men and obvious ones at that but because there stories seem somewhat exciting people believe them.
2.) He feels bad about playing a trick on Jim because he does care for Jim even though Jim is a slave, Jim realizes that even though Jim is a slave he still has feelings just like any other man which kind of makes Huck realize that slaves have feelings too.
a.) Huck in a way is freaking out because he thinks he is the reason that Jim's is free and if anyone were to find out that Huck help free Jim, Huck would suffer an extremely harsh punishment, maybe even death. Freeing a slave is pretty much the worst thing you could do back then which is what Huck grew up learning, even though he is actually helping out someone that he cares about.
b.) Jim wants to go steal his own children from the man who owns them, it is ironic because these are Jim's children and in order to be with them he has to steal the from someone else who owns them, when really he should "own" his children. Huck is hesitant about helping Jim get free so he could steal the children because he does not know the man who owns Jim's children, that man has never done anything bad to Huck he is just a typical man who owns slaves, a man like any men that Huck has grown up with, so the fact that Jim wants to steal the slaves that this man owns kind of worries Huck because by helping Jim get free he is allowing/helping him steal from a man Huck doesn't even know.
c.) Why do the right thing when it is harder, rather than just take the easy route and do the wrong thing because they both end in the same way.
d.)They need to turn when they get to Cairo or they will end up in the south which is a really bad place for runaway slaves, and now they think they missed the turn and Jim thinks that it was because of the snake skin which was really bad luck.
4.)Huck makes up a story about his father being extremely sick with small pocks and they feel bad for Huck so they give him $40 because they won't physically help him because they do want to get small pocks.
5.)The values of a person by a society, society destroys the individuality of people. The steam boat is the society and the man made raft is the individuality of one person.
6.) He didn't really like the novel, he didn't think it was going anywhere, he actually started writing another book, but he went on a cruise where he encountered the KKK in many places which made him start writing Huck Finn again.
7.)The entire chapter brings up a romantic idea of death. Romeo and Juliet.
8.) Huck is able to see how ridiculous the feud is because he is an outsider, the two families don't even know why they are fighting, they just do it because there families have been doing it forever. This brings up the role of an outsider, Huck is the outsider to this family so he realizes how dumb this is when the family doesn't
9.)He thinks that Buck is actually asking him a question about moses, he does not understand that it is a riddle. I think that Huck could be compared to moses, Moses frees the slaves, similar to Huck freeing Jim.
10.)The hogs will go to church whenever they want to, whereas people will only go on the day they have to. So this is stating that hogs are better then people because they aren't going to church because they have to they are going because they want to. The men who go to church bring guns and hide them, which is ironic because they whole sermon was about brotherly love.
11.) It symbolizes romanticism, this feud is similar to the feud in romeo and Juliet. These people really have no idea why they are fighting they only do it because that's what there family has always done. And i think they continue the feud because they love the competition which is a natural human trait.
12.)They were allowed to whatever they wanted on the raft, unlike the house where everything was corrupt and Huck had a daily schedule.
13.)Huck and Jim were always naked, they were free from clothes just like they were free from society.
14.) Because he does not want any quarrels on the raft, pap taught him that it is better to let people play and let them do their own thing rather than argue with them.
16.) The king plays Juliet, which is funny because the king is really old and ugly which satirizes the book.
17.)The king is scamming all these people by saying he is a born again pirate which just symbolizes the extreme gullibility of people.
18.)He is just showing how gullible people can be by believing these men. These men are con men and obvious ones at that but because there stories seem somewhat exciting people believe them.
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