Monday, December 13, 2010

Huck Finn Review Questions XL-End

1.) Jim really is a great person, he is willing to risk his freedom to save Tom who has done nothing but bad to him, and he did this before he knew he was free to begin with. When he does find out that he is free he is the happiest man there could be, nothing could make him angry, not even tom.

2.) The speech, which expresses what a great man Jim is saves his life. Not everyone in this society thinks the same, slaves to some people are actually people and i think the doctors speech actually makes other realize that. He showed that Jim is more than a slave.

3.)Tom wears the bullet around his neck to show everyone that he got shot, he is proud of it. This symbolizes romanticism, he wants to be like those big time hero's he reads about. This really signifies the death of romanticism, even after everything they have been through people still don't change.

4.) He goes to the the territories west of the Mississippi because he refuses to live a civilized life. through all his adventures and everything he has seen he really saw the cruel way society runs, and he doesn't want to be apart of it so he leaves to go live his own life and go westward away from society.

5.) Huck Finn is a great novel, and it is that way because it is in 1st person, cause your going on all the adventures with Huck and you see how he feels about everything going on around him rather than just see it from the opinion of another person. Huck is an unreliable narrator, he says things that are not always true or don't have a lot of facts that back him up but that makes the book more about him. The is the adventures of Huck Finn not the adventured of huck finn told by someone else.

1 comment:

  1. #2 - The doctor still says that a "nigger" like Jim is worth $1000. He still views Jim as a slave, but a good slave.

    #3 - Tom is a static character. The romantic notion of adventure doesn't die.
