Wednesday, January 26, 2011
words of the day
Aspirations(noun)- I have great aspirations that Mapi will fall into a hole and never come out.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Words of the Day
Affable(adj): Anna is a very affable young lady, Mapi is not she is short and rude!
Exasperate(v): The English teacher exasperated his class by repeatedly telling they have a quiz!
Exasperate(v): The English teacher exasperated his class by repeatedly telling they have a quiz!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Words of the day
Prestigious(adj): Anna won the prestigious award of overall most amazing person in the world; Mapi came in last.
Prominant(adj): Anna will be a very prominent person when she gets older; Mapi will be worthless.
Prominant(adj): Anna will be a very prominent person when she gets older; Mapi will be worthless.
Friday, January 21, 2011
video questions
1. Tom Represents capitalism, Daisy represents southern tradition, nick represents the middle class, and George represents the lower class.
2. I would much rather come from new money, if you come from new money you stand for something your not only what your names says you are. And I think that you should have to work for your money and not just have everything handed to you.
3. A) the Valley of Ashes represents the death of the American Dream. People who live there are people who couldn’t achieve their dreams.
b) The Eyes of T.J. Eckleburg is the eyes of God. There is a billboard at the valley of ashes that has Dr. TJ Eckleburgs eye and they are watching over everything just like god would.
c) The green light represents Gatsby’s hope to be with Daisy again.
d) The mantle clock represents the theme of time and how when it falls over and Gatsby catches it time stops. It is when he is with Daisy to time has stopped; they are no longer living completely different lives.
e) Her voice has the power to draw people to her, her maiden name is Daisy Fay, a Fay is a fairy, she has powers and her power is the power to draw people to her with her voice.
4. They come from 2 different lives; Tom is from old money he has had everything handed to him which is the reason he is the way he is, he is racist and selfish and greedy, Gatsby has had to work for all of his money he came from nothing and so his attitude about life is much different.
5. Daisy can’t leave Tom because he has money even though she is in love with Gatsby, her life is all about security with Tom she has security.
6. The jazz age brings up the them of the roaring 20s there is jazz music and dancing and glamour and everything you need to have a good time. There is a lot of drinking and parties this was before the great depression and WW11 so things were peaceful.
7. The downfall happens when Tom tell Daisy how Gatsby actually gets his money it is right when she is going to leave Tom too, Tom knows that Daisy won’t leave him once she finds out the truth because with Gatsby there is no security.
2. I would much rather come from new money, if you come from new money you stand for something your not only what your names says you are. And I think that you should have to work for your money and not just have everything handed to you.
3. A) the Valley of Ashes represents the death of the American Dream. People who live there are people who couldn’t achieve their dreams.
b) The Eyes of T.J. Eckleburg is the eyes of God. There is a billboard at the valley of ashes that has Dr. TJ Eckleburgs eye and they are watching over everything just like god would.
c) The green light represents Gatsby’s hope to be with Daisy again.
d) The mantle clock represents the theme of time and how when it falls over and Gatsby catches it time stops. It is when he is with Daisy to time has stopped; they are no longer living completely different lives.
e) Her voice has the power to draw people to her, her maiden name is Daisy Fay, a Fay is a fairy, she has powers and her power is the power to draw people to her with her voice.
4. They come from 2 different lives; Tom is from old money he has had everything handed to him which is the reason he is the way he is, he is racist and selfish and greedy, Gatsby has had to work for all of his money he came from nothing and so his attitude about life is much different.
5. Daisy can’t leave Tom because he has money even though she is in love with Gatsby, her life is all about security with Tom she has security.
6. The jazz age brings up the them of the roaring 20s there is jazz music and dancing and glamour and everything you need to have a good time. There is a lot of drinking and parties this was before the great depression and WW11 so things were peaceful.
7. The downfall happens when Tom tell Daisy how Gatsby actually gets his money it is right when she is going to leave Tom too, Tom knows that Daisy won’t leave him once she finds out the truth because with Gatsby there is no security.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Words of the day
Mesmerize(vb): Anna was able to mesmerize the doctor with her beauty, which ment that the doctor liked her and he agreed to take Mapis voice box out.
Sardonic(adj): Anna made fun of Mapi in a very sardonic way, by mocking her very loud voice.
Sardonic(adj): Anna made fun of Mapi in a very sardonic way, by mocking her very loud voice.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Words of the day
Infinitesmial(adj)= The chances that Mapi will ever stop talking are infinitesimal.
Supercilious(adj)- Mapi acts supercilious but everyone knows how truly dumb she is.
Supercilious(adj)- Mapi acts supercilious but everyone knows how truly dumb she is.
Great Gatsby Chap.2
Great Gatsby Chapter 2
1) it is halfway between West Egg and New York, and it is a farm where ashes build up, like an old industrial site. Everything is grey, and it symbolizes shadow of death.
2) They are the eyes of God. His face is on a billboard, they are watching everything and they see everything, even though there is no one there.
3) Spiritless, Anemic, faintly hansom. His wife, Myrtle Wilson, is kind of opposite because she is so lively. She walks by him like he is dead and metaphorically he is.
4) New York is the place where dreams hit reality. Every time they go there their dreams run into reality. Myrtle dream disappears in New York and realizes Tom will never leave Daisy for her. And Tom smacks Myrtle in the face and breaks her nose.
5) It is a gossip magazine, it symbolizes that New York is a gossip town. And it is a foreshadow that they are going to be in the Town Tattle.
6) They live below the apartment that Tom and Myrtle have their affair in. He is not very successful, he needs an entry into the photography business.
7) She is the only one sober and she is Myrtle’s sister. She likes to butt into everyone’s conversations. Not the nicest character.
8) That she is catholic and she doesn’t believe in Divorce.
9) Everyone has dreams, he dream is to be rich and famous and admired. But when she married George he lied about what he said he was and so now she resents him for it.
10) She thinks of the dog the way Tom thinks of women, and her. “I want to get one for the apartment, they are nice to have, a dog.” She wants dogs of really true breading but gets a mutt, like her.
11) All of her money in Monte Carlo.
12.) She says he is related to Kaizer, which makes people think that he is from old money when they really don’t know that he comes from new money.
13.) She married George because he had dreams and she thought he was going to do good things. She found out thought that he had become worthless and she regrets the marriage. When she was choosing her dog she first asked for a police dog an then a few more pure breeds but there were none so she had to get the mutt, now she has a mutt instead of a pure bread just like her marriage she is married to a worthless man instead of a rich confident man.
14.) Myrtle was bugging Tom about Daisy she was saying Daisy’s name repeatedly in order to anger Tom, so he hit her. This shows how much Tom really doesn’t care about Myrtle. Myrtle feels way more for Tom then he does for her. To Tom she is just another woman to sleep with, but to Myrtle Tom is this life that she has always wanted.
1) it is halfway between West Egg and New York, and it is a farm where ashes build up, like an old industrial site. Everything is grey, and it symbolizes shadow of death.
2) They are the eyes of God. His face is on a billboard, they are watching everything and they see everything, even though there is no one there.
3) Spiritless, Anemic, faintly hansom. His wife, Myrtle Wilson, is kind of opposite because she is so lively. She walks by him like he is dead and metaphorically he is.
4) New York is the place where dreams hit reality. Every time they go there their dreams run into reality. Myrtle dream disappears in New York and realizes Tom will never leave Daisy for her. And Tom smacks Myrtle in the face and breaks her nose.
5) It is a gossip magazine, it symbolizes that New York is a gossip town. And it is a foreshadow that they are going to be in the Town Tattle.
6) They live below the apartment that Tom and Myrtle have their affair in. He is not very successful, he needs an entry into the photography business.
7) She is the only one sober and she is Myrtle’s sister. She likes to butt into everyone’s conversations. Not the nicest character.
8) That she is catholic and she doesn’t believe in Divorce.
9) Everyone has dreams, he dream is to be rich and famous and admired. But when she married George he lied about what he said he was and so now she resents him for it.
10) She thinks of the dog the way Tom thinks of women, and her. “I want to get one for the apartment, they are nice to have, a dog.” She wants dogs of really true breading but gets a mutt, like her.
11) All of her money in Monte Carlo.
12.) She says he is related to Kaizer, which makes people think that he is from old money when they really don’t know that he comes from new money.
13.) She married George because he had dreams and she thought he was going to do good things. She found out thought that he had become worthless and she regrets the marriage. When she was choosing her dog she first asked for a police dog an then a few more pure breeds but there were none so she had to get the mutt, now she has a mutt instead of a pure bread just like her marriage she is married to a worthless man instead of a rich confident man.
14.) Myrtle was bugging Tom about Daisy she was saying Daisy’s name repeatedly in order to anger Tom, so he hit her. This shows how much Tom really doesn’t care about Myrtle. Myrtle feels way more for Tom then he does for her. To Tom she is just another woman to sleep with, but to Myrtle Tom is this life that she has always wanted.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Words of the Day
Feigned(adj)- Mapis feigned evilness makes people realize how she is actually not evil she is a sissy pants!
LanGuidly(adv)- Mapi Languidly ran up and down the floor because her legs are to too short to sprint.
LanGuidly(adv)- Mapi Languidly ran up and down the floor because her legs are to too short to sprint.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Great Gatsby Chap.1
1.) Notice how Fitzgerald uses the words hope, or dream. Why does he do this?
It’s setting up the theme the death of the American dream, he uses them to show that although many say they want to live few do. The use of these words show that the American dream is close to impossible.
2.) Nick starts the novel by revealing his father’s advice “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” List Nick’s advantage. Does he reserve judgment in the novel?
Nick is not poor; he brings up the idea of new money. He has to work for money but he didn’t come from nothing. He has had the opportunity to travel across the country which shows how not poor he is. When he hears things about other he will keep his judgments to himself.
3.) Pay attention to time. What is the day and year during the first scene at Daisy’s house?
June 7th, 1922
4.) Describe Nick. What facts do you know about him, and what do you infer about him? What kind of narrator do you think he will be?
He was west born, but wanted to move east to go to school at Yale. He is originally from Chicago, and does not come from old money. Although he is not extremely wealthy he is not poor either, his family owns a hardware store that has been in his family for 3 or 4 generations. He will be a reliable narrator because he is honest and good.
5.) What image does the author use to describe Jordan Baker? What does it mean?
She is not like average women of that time. She is smart and individual, and when talking to Nick she seems a little standoffish. She raises her chin, which is one of the first things Nick notices, she is holding something up and it will easily fall.
6.) How does Nick react to Jordon?
He was intimidated.
7.) What does Tom’s behavior reveal about his character?
Tom, although an ex famous college football player is a total jerk. He is racist because he is racist and sexist, but he thinks that he is super smart and clever because he is reading a “scientific” book. He is living in the past because he can’t get over is glory days as a football player.
8.) What does nick say about Daisy’s voice? What does this say about Daisy?
Her voice is very calm and it draws people in, her laugh is described as charming.
9.) Daisy says, “The best thing for a girl is to be a beautiful little fool”. Why does she say this and what does she mean by it. What do you think it infers about her?
They are living in a mans world. Daisy was very sad when she found out that her baby was a boy because a girl can’t live in this time unless she acts as a beautiful little fool. It shows that she is hiding back her true self so she doesn’t lose her wealthy life.
10.) How do you feel about Tom? What details about him stick out? How is he an allied to Nick? What type of husband is he? Why? What books has he recently read and what does this infer about him? How does Nick respond?
He is a racist, sexist womanizer. You can tell that he is a typical rich boy who does whatever he wants because he has money. He is a terrible husband because he is having an affair with a woman in New York also he is very controlling. He is reading a book about the other races taking over the white population, which he thinks is scientific because he is racist. He belongs to old wealth.
11.) What is the difference between Nick and the Buccanhans?
Nick is not from old wealth he is from new wealth he lives on the west egg, which represents new wealth and the east egg represents old wealth. Nick doesn’t care as much about money as tom and daisy do.
It’s setting up the theme the death of the American dream, he uses them to show that although many say they want to live few do. The use of these words show that the American dream is close to impossible.
2.) Nick starts the novel by revealing his father’s advice “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” List Nick’s advantage. Does he reserve judgment in the novel?
Nick is not poor; he brings up the idea of new money. He has to work for money but he didn’t come from nothing. He has had the opportunity to travel across the country which shows how not poor he is. When he hears things about other he will keep his judgments to himself.
3.) Pay attention to time. What is the day and year during the first scene at Daisy’s house?
June 7th, 1922
4.) Describe Nick. What facts do you know about him, and what do you infer about him? What kind of narrator do you think he will be?
He was west born, but wanted to move east to go to school at Yale. He is originally from Chicago, and does not come from old money. Although he is not extremely wealthy he is not poor either, his family owns a hardware store that has been in his family for 3 or 4 generations. He will be a reliable narrator because he is honest and good.
5.) What image does the author use to describe Jordan Baker? What does it mean?
She is not like average women of that time. She is smart and individual, and when talking to Nick she seems a little standoffish. She raises her chin, which is one of the first things Nick notices, she is holding something up and it will easily fall.
6.) How does Nick react to Jordon?
He was intimidated.
7.) What does Tom’s behavior reveal about his character?
Tom, although an ex famous college football player is a total jerk. He is racist because he is racist and sexist, but he thinks that he is super smart and clever because he is reading a “scientific” book. He is living in the past because he can’t get over is glory days as a football player.
8.) What does nick say about Daisy’s voice? What does this say about Daisy?
Her voice is very calm and it draws people in, her laugh is described as charming.
9.) Daisy says, “The best thing for a girl is to be a beautiful little fool”. Why does she say this and what does she mean by it. What do you think it infers about her?
They are living in a mans world. Daisy was very sad when she found out that her baby was a boy because a girl can’t live in this time unless she acts as a beautiful little fool. It shows that she is hiding back her true self so she doesn’t lose her wealthy life.
10.) How do you feel about Tom? What details about him stick out? How is he an allied to Nick? What type of husband is he? Why? What books has he recently read and what does this infer about him? How does Nick respond?
He is a racist, sexist womanizer. You can tell that he is a typical rich boy who does whatever he wants because he has money. He is a terrible husband because he is having an affair with a woman in New York also he is very controlling. He is reading a book about the other races taking over the white population, which he thinks is scientific because he is racist. He belongs to old wealth.
11.) What is the difference between Nick and the Buccanhans?
Nick is not from old wealth he is from new wealth he lives on the west egg, which represents new wealth and the east egg represents old wealth. Nick doesn’t care as much about money as tom and daisy do.
Words of the day
Wan(adj)- Mapi's wan complexion made her look more like a really short old lady rather than the 8th dwarf.
Prodigality(noun)- Mapi's prodigality shows in her 100 pairs of uggs, which cost $150.
Prodigality(noun)- Mapi's prodigality shows in her 100 pairs of uggs, which cost $150.
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