1.) Pap does not want his son to be better than him, the fact that Huck is getting an education and becoming a better man than he is makes him crazy. Most dads would be please with their son’s education and wouldn’t focus so much on the fact that their son is going to be smarter than them and rather on the fact that their son is going to do well with the education they are getting. But Pap is too selfish and really hasn’t been much of a father to Huck.
2.) Well there is a different judge and he believes that Huck should be under the custody of his father because they are a family and society wants a family to stay together, and in order to do so Huck must stay with his dad. But Pap and Huck are not much of a “family” Pap is the worst possible person to take care of a young boy because the only person he cares about is himself.
3.) Huck has no rules while living with his father; he can pretty much do whatever he wants because his dad is to drunk all the time to come up with any house rules he can sleep in as late as he wants and even though he is beaten by pap all the time he prefers having no rules rather than doing what society wants him to do.
4.) Pap is extremely racist he does not believe at all the black men should be free so when he finds out about a free black man he freaks out and threatens to never vote again. But his outrage really has no affect on the government, the fact that one man won’t vote anymore because he has different views then everyone else will not affect them at all despite what pap thinks. He hates following the rules the government sets even though good people have no problem following them.
5.) Freedom; Huck is able to break free from his father and live his own life which is similar to what Jim does even though Huck is not a slave he was still treated badly. And now he is able to achieve freedom with someone else rather than do it all by himself.
6.) Tom Sawyer is all talk he reads so many adventure books that sometimes he lets his imagination get the best of him for example the group that he formed, they said they were going to steal things and they would even kill people but the most they did was barge in on a Sunday school. Tom Sawyer wouldn’t have helped much he would have just thought of good ideas and not acted on them. Plus he would probably have gotten Jim caught.
7.) The bread was supposed to find Hucks dead body which is a biblical reference, this brings up the idea of prayer and how the widow hoped that the bread would find Huck, which it did, and how prayer can work for some people but just not for huck. The bread finding a dead body is a biblical reference.
8.) He though Huck was a ghost; and once he learned that Huck was alive and real he was hesitant to tell Huck why he was there because he didn’t want Huck to run home and tell Ms.Watson because a slave running away was a really bad thing back then almost as bad as murder so Jim would have been severely punished and maybe even killed.
9.) They are now both free and both of them are reborn. And huck is worried because he is about to help a slave be free which was completely against what society had taught him and if anyone had found out what he did he would probably be killed.
10.) In today’s society an abolitionist wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing but back then to be called an abolitionist was a terrible thing. Huck help free a slave was one of the worst things you could do.
11.) Most of the things Jim are superstitious about roots back to personal experience. After he tells huck that something is bad luck he explains why by telling a story of his past. So he has kind of created his own superstitions that he is telling Huck about.
12.) He puts the snakeskin next to Jim while he is sleeping and Jim ends up getting bit by another snake. Huck does this because he is a trickster he enjoys playing tricks on people and another example of this is when him and tom moved Jims hat. When Jim got bit Huck felt bad because Jim was so superstitious about snakes so huck learned to look at things from other peoples perspectives. Maybe playing tricks on people isn’t the best idea.
13.) Even though Huck is not book smart he is street smart he is able to think up different personas extremely fast so he won’t give away who he truly is since everyone is looking for him. It also shows that he is willing to do whatever to achieve freedom even if that means dressing up like a girl to disguise his true identity.
14.) She over exaggerates the amount of money that is found in order to make it actually sound interesting.
15.) A run away slave is worse then a murder during these times because the reward for finding pa is $200 and the reward for finding Jim is $300

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Review Questions for Chap.12-14
Chapter 12-14
1.) Huck calls is borrowing because he says that if he could give it back he would, and he said he wasn’t going to steal everything so he only takes the better valued items which makes him feel better about stealing the other things.
2.) He wants be too adventurous like Tom Sawyer.
3.) It’s ironic because Sir Walter Scott is a famous romantic writer, and the men on the ship are murderers and there boat sank.
4.) He tries to put himself in their shoes, because he might be a murderer some day.
5.) He tell the captains that the niece of Horn back, who is very wealthy, was stuck on the boat. The steamboat captain is very greedy and Huck uses that to his advantage by luring them into to helping the men on the boat.
6.) He was talking about get stuck on the boat. The raft floated away and he was either going to get saved or drown and if he were to get saved he would get sold back into slavery.
7.) He thinks they just sit around and do nothing and marry a bunch of women, he really has no idea what the job of the king entails. He thinks that if the king dislikes someone he just whacks his or her heads off.
8.) Jim presents his argument has a debate and it actually makes sense. Solomon wants to settle a debate about a baby by cutting it in half, Jim does not understand why Solomon have so many wives. He has a harem that has a million children and a million wives and Jim doesn’t understand why a King would want to live amongst all those women and children he thinks he should build his own house and live there. Jims isn’t very educated so he really doesn’t understand Solomon’s reasoning for having so many wives.
1.) Huck calls is borrowing because he says that if he could give it back he would, and he said he wasn’t going to steal everything so he only takes the better valued items which makes him feel better about stealing the other things.
2.) He wants be too adventurous like Tom Sawyer.
3.) It’s ironic because Sir Walter Scott is a famous romantic writer, and the men on the ship are murderers and there boat sank.
4.) He tries to put himself in their shoes, because he might be a murderer some day.
5.) He tell the captains that the niece of Horn back, who is very wealthy, was stuck on the boat. The steamboat captain is very greedy and Huck uses that to his advantage by luring them into to helping the men on the boat.
6.) He was talking about get stuck on the boat. The raft floated away and he was either going to get saved or drown and if he were to get saved he would get sold back into slavery.
7.) He thinks they just sit around and do nothing and marry a bunch of women, he really has no idea what the job of the king entails. He thinks that if the king dislikes someone he just whacks his or her heads off.
8.) Jim presents his argument has a debate and it actually makes sense. Solomon wants to settle a debate about a baby by cutting it in half, Jim does not understand why Solomon have so many wives. He has a harem that has a million children and a million wives and Jim doesn’t understand why a King would want to live amongst all those women and children he thinks he should build his own house and live there. Jims isn’t very educated so he really doesn’t understand Solomon’s reasoning for having so many wives.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Discussion Questions for the first 4 chapters
1.) Widow Douglas is a respectful religious woman, and although Huckleberry is a manner less boy who has no bible practice she still takes care of him and try to teach him how to be respectful. At first Huckleberry though that the story about Moses was cool but once he found out he was dead he didn't care anymore because he was no use to Huckleberry. This shows how Huckleberry really doesn't care about the past he only focuses on the future and what applies to him.
2.) Huck is extremely superstitious, if there is any sign of bad luck around him he will kind of freak out and i think that this will affect his character a lot in this book. He seems to believe in karma as well like if he kills a spider a witch is going to come and get him.
4.) They move his hat, probably to try and freak him out i don't think they wanted him to come up with this whole story that he would tell everyone. The two boys seem like pranksters and they like to pick on the slaves.
5.) He was ruined because the trick that they had played on him turned into this great story that Jim told all the other slaves about and he drawing a lot of attention to himself which slaves weren't supposed to do.
6.) I think that Huck wouldn't have taken the candles to begin with. Huck doesn't bother with things that he doesn't need or that don't apply to him. Also if he did take the candles I don't think he would pay for them, if he really needed them he would just take them.
7.)Tom is more educated then Huck he does a lot of reading which is where he gets all of his mischievous ideas from. Huck doesn't know how to read and he doesn't have as many ideas in his head as Tom is more innocent, not as educated.
8.) Because what they are doing is much harder then a simple burglary. They have to stop carriages rather than just walk in a house and steal stuff. So they would like the title of highwaymen.
9.) Huck doesn't like to do things that don't give him an advantage. So praying for other people and doing good for other people will answer his prayers doesn't make sense, when she had told him that god will answer your prayers no matter what. So why should he prayer for other people in order to help answer his prayers when he can just cheat and not prayer for other people.
10.) Because huck doesn't understand what Tom is doing. He is playing a game and Huck doesn't get it.
11.) Tom sawyers imagination is so overtaken that he can make a simple sunday school look like a place with A-rabs and elephants. Huck doesn't have the imagination that tom has so he doesn't see what tom does.
12.) He doesn't want his dad to be able to take the money he wants it in safe hands where it will not get waisted on alcohol.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Words of the day
Magnate(n)-Anna will be a magnate in the world of teaching, Mapi will be a hobo.
Malleable(adj)-Annas malleable brain is able to retain a lot of information, while Mapis is just dumb.
Malleable(adj)-Annas malleable brain is able to retain a lot of information, while Mapis is just dumb.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Chap.21 DJ
45.) "or that a fancy, at once so gorgeous and so delicate as must have been requisite to contrive the child’s apparel, was the same that had achieved a task perhaps more difficult, in imparting so distinct a peculiarity to Hester’s simple robe."
Hester is hiding herself in these gray clothes because she thinks that the A is enough public attention. What is weird is that she hides herself behind her clothes but then creates these beautiful colorful dresses for pearl. Hester is trying to fit in with the rest of the town, while Pearl is trying to be herself and there express that. I think that Hester would like to wear colourful dressed and express the real her but she is to worried about the society's judgements about her. Imagine what they would say if she was walking around in bright dresses, with the on her chest.
Hester is hiding herself in these gray clothes because she thinks that the A is enough public attention. What is weird is that she hides herself behind her clothes but then creates these beautiful colorful dresses for pearl. Hester is trying to fit in with the rest of the town, while Pearl is trying to be herself and there express that. I think that Hester would like to wear colourful dressed and express the real her but she is to worried about the society's judgements about her. Imagine what they would say if she was walking around in bright dresses, with the on her chest.
Chap.20 DJ
44.)“What is it that haunts and tempts me like this?” cried the minister to himself. He paused in the street and hit his hand against his forehead.“Have I gone crazy?"
Even though they have come up with a way to get out of this town and be together, doesn't mean that what they plan to do is actually right. His sin still haunts him his secrecy still haunts him. If he goes to Europe he will just be hiding his sin in Europe. Now that he knows that this whole time Chillingworth has been following him around and questioning him making feel guilty. The sin will forever haunt Dimmesdale until he has forgiven himself, and expressed the truth to everyone.
Even though they have come up with a way to get out of this town and be together, doesn't mean that what they plan to do is actually right. His sin still haunts him his secrecy still haunts him. If he goes to Europe he will just be hiding his sin in Europe. Now that he knows that this whole time Chillingworth has been following him around and questioning him making feel guilty. The sin will forever haunt Dimmesdale until he has forgiven himself, and expressed the truth to everyone.
Chap.20 DJ
43.)"The excitement of Mr. Dimmesdale’s feelings, as he returned from his interview with Hester, lent him unaccustomed physical energy, and hurried him townward at a rapid pace."
Hester being Dimmesdales medicine has instantly made him feel better. He has gained a physical energy that he has been struggling with for so long. Before he could barely walk up steps and now he is running back into town. I think the true medicine she has given him is hope. His condition was worsening as he hid his secrets from the people in his society but now that there is hope that he can be with his family and live outside of this judgmental society the hope in his heart has healed him. But how long will this last? The sin will always be inside him no matter how much they run from it.
Hester being Dimmesdales medicine has instantly made him feel better. He has gained a physical energy that he has been struggling with for so long. Before he could barely walk up steps and now he is running back into town. I think the true medicine she has given him is hope. His condition was worsening as he hid his secrets from the people in his society but now that there is hope that he can be with his family and live outside of this judgmental society the hope in his heart has healed him. But how long will this last? The sin will always be inside him no matter how much they run from it.
Chap.19 DJ
42.)"Seen in the brook, once more, was the shadowy wrath of Pearl’s image, crowned and girdled with flowers, but stamping its foot, wildly gesticulating, and, in the midst of all, still pointing its small forefinger at Hester’s bosom!"
She has grown up with her mothers A on her chest. To everyone else the A means adulterer but to Pearl is completes her mother. She is not the same without the A on her chest. This goes back to how getting rid of the A will not delete the sin it will just hide it even more. Pearl is so influenced by the A that she even has created an A out of greens to make her own A. She is the root of her mothers symbolism of the rose bush. Her A is green and has not fully bloomed into the violet flower like her mothers A has. Every rose has its thorns, Hesters thorns are her sins, but the thorns don't take away from the true beauty of the flower. just like the sin doesn't take away from the true inner beauty of Hester. Pearl is young, as she gets older she will make mistakes but now she has no thorns she is just a budding flower who will eventually grow into a full rose bush. If her mother takes off her A, and hides thing that might mean that in the future Pearl will hide things. She will learn to hide her sins instead of confronting them.
She has grown up with her mothers A on her chest. To everyone else the A means adulterer but to Pearl is completes her mother. She is not the same without the A on her chest. This goes back to how getting rid of the A will not delete the sin it will just hide it even more. Pearl is so influenced by the A that she even has created an A out of greens to make her own A. She is the root of her mothers symbolism of the rose bush. Her A is green and has not fully bloomed into the violet flower like her mothers A has. Every rose has its thorns, Hesters thorns are her sins, but the thorns don't take away from the true beauty of the flower. just like the sin doesn't take away from the true inner beauty of Hester. Pearl is young, as she gets older she will make mistakes but now she has no thorns she is just a budding flower who will eventually grow into a full rose bush. If her mother takes off her A, and hides thing that might mean that in the future Pearl will hide things. She will learn to hide her sins instead of confronting them.
Chap.19 DJ
40.)“I have a strange fancy,” observed the sensitive minister, “that this brook is the boundary between two worlds, and that thou canst never meet thy Pearl again"
Pearls side of the brook represents innocence and honesty, she has been honest about herself her entire life. She was never like all the other children she was wild and adventurous, nature was her playroom she never tried to be what the society wanted her to be. The side that Hester and Dimmesdale were on was a side of dishonesty, a hidden place. Although they were together, which felt amazing to them there connection was on the other side of the brook. In order for them to reach that side of the brook they have to admit that Dimmesdale is the father.
Pearls side of the brook represents innocence and honesty, she has been honest about herself her entire life. She was never like all the other children she was wild and adventurous, nature was her playroom she never tried to be what the society wanted her to be. The side that Hester and Dimmesdale were on was a side of dishonesty, a hidden place. Although they were together, which felt amazing to them there connection was on the other side of the brook. In order for them to reach that side of the brook they have to admit that Dimmesdale is the father.
Chap.19 DJ
39.)Symbol: Pearl
There are many different representations of Pearl. She is an angel, a nymph, and bird, Hester and Dimmesdale sin, and to the Puritan society a demon creature. I think that her main role in this story is to guide the characters to the truth. She is best symbolized as the Angel of Judgment, for instance she wants Dimmesdale to claim them in front of the whole town, and when he says he will not she pulls away from him or wipes of a kiss that he gives her. She is trying to guide him to what is right, hiding there sin will not make it disappear, they will just be pretending it's not there but in the back of there minds Dimmesdale and Hester will always know its still there. Pearl is a child which make people think she doesn't understand but children are innocent, a quality that adults begin to lose as they get older. Her innocence can guide these two into heaven.
There are many different representations of Pearl. She is an angel, a nymph, and bird, Hester and Dimmesdale sin, and to the Puritan society a demon creature. I think that her main role in this story is to guide the characters to the truth. She is best symbolized as the Angel of Judgment, for instance she wants Dimmesdale to claim them in front of the whole town, and when he says he will not she pulls away from him or wipes of a kiss that he gives her. She is trying to guide him to what is right, hiding there sin will not make it disappear, they will just be pretending it's not there but in the back of there minds Dimmesdale and Hester will always know its still there. Pearl is a child which make people think she doesn't understand but children are innocent, a quality that adults begin to lose as they get older. Her innocence can guide these two into heaven.
Chap.18 DJ
38.)"Such was the sympathy of Nature—that wild, heathen Nature of the forest, never subjugated by human law, nor illumined by higher truth—with the bliss of these two spirits! Love, whether newly born, or aroused from a deathlike slumber, must always create a sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world. Had the forest still kept its gloom, it would have been bright in Hester’s eyes, and bright in Arthur Dimmesdale’s!"
The sun was no longer hiding from Hester now that she was with the man she had been hiding from everyone and her sin was out in the open. Even though they were hiding it from everyone else which ment the sin was still there, they were finally together and there hearts have been brightened up and they are completely filled with love. Light is heaven and and good, and some people think that love makes the heart stronger, it changes people and when these two are opened to great love, bright love.
The sun was no longer hiding from Hester now that she was with the man she had been hiding from everyone and her sin was out in the open. Even though they were hiding it from everyone else which ment the sin was still there, they were finally together and there hearts have been brightened up and they are completely filled with love. Light is heaven and and good, and some people think that love makes the heart stronger, it changes people and when these two are opened to great love, bright love.
Chap.18 Dj
37.)"So speaking, she undid the clasp that fastened the scarlet letter, and, taking it from her bosom, threw it to a distance among the withered leaves."
Even though she is removing the A from her chest does not mean that the sin is gone. Just because she is with Dimmesdale does not mean the sin is gone they are still the only people, besides Chillingworth, who know the truth. The sin is still there and Pearl is a symbol of it to say that they are together and the sin is gone is almost saying is pearl is gone. In order for the sin to actually be gone they need to go back in time and make pearl not exist, she will always represent what they did in secrecy. Tearing off the A will not make this sin right, it will just hide it even more.
Even though she is removing the A from her chest does not mean that the sin is gone. Just because she is with Dimmesdale does not mean the sin is gone they are still the only people, besides Chillingworth, who know the truth. The sin is still there and Pearl is a symbol of it to say that they are together and the sin is gone is almost saying is pearl is gone. In order for the sin to actually be gone they need to go back in time and make pearl not exist, she will always represent what they did in secrecy. Tearing off the A will not make this sin right, it will just hide it even more.
Chap.18 DJ
36.)“Do I feel joy again?” cried he, wondering at himself. “Methought the germ of it was dead in me! O Hester, thou art my better angel! I seem to have flung myself—sick, sin-stained, and sorrow-blackened—down upon these forest-leaves, and to have risen up all made anew, and with new powers to glorify Him that hath been merciful! This is already the better life! Why did we not find it sooner?”
Being with Hester, seems to completely heel Dimmesdale. When he is with his little family he admitting his sin, not to other people but to himself. Peal and Hester is not what makes him sick, what makes him sick is hiding things from everyone. I think that this entire sin has from adulterating to a complete lie which back then was just as bad sometimes even worse. Everyday that he hides things his condition gets worse. But Hester and pearl are like his medicine, when he is being truthful and feels happiness his condition suddenly gets better.
Being with Hester, seems to completely heel Dimmesdale. When he is with his little family he admitting his sin, not to other people but to himself. Peal and Hester is not what makes him sick, what makes him sick is hiding things from everyone. I think that this entire sin has from adulterating to a complete lie which back then was just as bad sometimes even worse. Everyday that he hides things his condition gets worse. But Hester and pearl are like his medicine, when he is being truthful and feels happiness his condition suddenly gets better.
Chap.17 DJ
34.)“Thou shalt not go alone!” answered she, in a deep whisper."
For the last 7 years Hester has been dealing will of this by herself. Although dimmesdale has been torturing along he has not been going through the same torture that Hester has been going through, but i think that Hester has a good heart. And even though she has been alone through of all of this she is not going to let him die alone. She loves him and she knows that he has been suffering and i think in way she blames herself because she did not tell him earlier that Chillingworth was her husband and that evil husband of hers has been torturing a man who really doesn't deserve to be tortured because he already feels guilty enough.
For the last 7 years Hester has been dealing will of this by herself. Although dimmesdale has been torturing along he has not been going through the same torture that Hester has been going through, but i think that Hester has a good heart. And even though she has been alone through of all of this she is not going to let him die alone. She loves him and she knows that he has been suffering and i think in way she blames herself because she did not tell him earlier that Chillingworth was her husband and that evil husband of hers has been torturing a man who really doesn't deserve to be tortured because he already feels guilty enough.
chap.17 DJ
33.)“I freely forgive you now. May God forgive us both! We are not, Hester, the worst sinners in the world. There is one worse than even the polluted priest! That old man’s revenge has been blacker than my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart. Thou and I, Hester, never did so!”
I think it is ironic that Chillingworth is torturing Dimmesdale for his sin, while getting revenge is sometimes and in this case an even worse sin. Chillingworth probably knows that, but he does not need the forgiveness from god that Dimmesdale does. He is not near as faithful or faithful at all, but i don't think Dimmesdale understand how a person can be so evil, how is intentions could be so dark. Pearl had once though that dimmesdale had sold his heart to the devil, Chillingworth is keeping Dimmesdal alive which is making him crazy with guilt while his heart slowly fails, the devil(chillingworth) has taken over Dimmesdales heart.
I think it is ironic that Chillingworth is torturing Dimmesdale for his sin, while getting revenge is sometimes and in this case an even worse sin. Chillingworth probably knows that, but he does not need the forgiveness from god that Dimmesdale does. He is not near as faithful or faithful at all, but i don't think Dimmesdale understand how a person can be so evil, how is intentions could be so dark. Pearl had once though that dimmesdale had sold his heart to the devil, Chillingworth is keeping Dimmesdal alive which is making him crazy with guilt while his heart slowly fails, the devil(chillingworth) has taken over Dimmesdales heart.
Chap.16 DJ
32.) “And so it is!” said the child. “And, mother, he has his hand over his heart! Is it because, when the minister wrote his name in the book, the Black Man set his mark in that place? But why does he not wear it outside his bosom, as thou dost, mother?”
Pearl thinks that Dimmesdale has signed away his heart to the devil which is why he has is hand over his heart. She knows that Dimmesdale feels extremely guilty about something, but just like the secret he is hiding under his shirt, when her mother wears her shame out on the open for everyone to see. Pearl just wants the truth to be out she doesn't understand why he is hiding everything. She is passing her judgment to him and hopes that he will do whats right.
Pearl thinks that Dimmesdale has signed away his heart to the devil which is why he has is hand over his heart. She knows that Dimmesdale feels extremely guilty about something, but just like the secret he is hiding under his shirt, when her mother wears her shame out on the open for everyone to see. Pearl just wants the truth to be out she doesn't understand why he is hiding everything. She is passing her judgment to him and hopes that he will do whats right.
Chap.17 DJ
32.)Title: The Paster and his Parishioner
Parishioner is someone who belongs or attends to a certain church. But although it may seem like to everyone else that they are just a paster and his parishioner, when really they have this deep connection and they share a child. There relationship just like this title is contradicting itself, pearl is what connects them she is the link between the paster and his parishioner.
Parishioner is someone who belongs or attends to a certain church. But although it may seem like to everyone else that they are just a paster and his parishioner, when really they have this deep connection and they share a child. There relationship just like this title is contradicting itself, pearl is what connects them she is the link between the paster and his parishioner.
Chap.16 DJ
30.)“Mother, the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself because it is afraid of something on your chest. See! There it is, playing in the distance. Stay here and let me run and catch it. I am only a child. It will not flee from me, for I wear nothing on my chest yet!”
This quote represents pearls innocence, even though she is the symbol of her mothers sin she does not have any sins herself that would make it so the sun(lightness/representing good) does not hide from her. Pearl claims that she does not wear anything on her chest yet meaning that she has nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to hide.
This quote represents pearls innocence, even though she is the symbol of her mothers sin she does not have any sins herself that would make it so the sun(lightness/representing good) does not hide from her. Pearl claims that she does not wear anything on her chest yet meaning that she has nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to hide.
Chap.15 DJ
28.)"Hester gazed after him a little while, looking with a half-fantastic curiosity to see whether the tender grass of early spring would not be blighted beneath him, and show the wavering track of his footsteps, sere and brown, across its cheerful verdure."
Robert Chillingworth symbolizes the devil, and i have always grown up relating the devil and hell to fire. Everything that is beautiful or has to do with light he represents darkness and ugliness which is the exact opposite of what is always around him, so as he is present in this town he is ruining the beauty and innocence of people like Dimmesdale. He is literally driving the ministor insane always following him around, and asking him questions and constantly making the minister feel guilty. Chilingworths intentions don't come from something good he has changed into this monster who only wants revenge and as he is making Dimmesdale crazy he is going mad himself. Which is creating him into the devil.
29.) The theme Dark vs. Light
Dark is like hell and light is like heaven everything in this chapter that chillingworth is compared to has to do with dark and how he is ruining the light of things. The devil is always tampering with the beauty of nature trying to make things ugly and evil. Hester does not belong in hell she was forced to admit her sin and now she is paying for it every day but i don't think god is punishing her i think that she got a gift out of all this torture and that was pearl. Pearl is an angel sent from god and I think she is slowly changing hester with her nymph like ways. Making Hester confront her sin and not care what people think. Dimmesdale has not been able to forgive himself because he has not admitted his sin, i don't think he belongs in hell but as he keeps avoiding telling the truth he keeps getting weaker and weaker, just as chillingworth keeps getting uglier and older and sicker as he keeps getting more evil. I think that once Dimmesdale admits the truth he will be healthier and will not be on a path to a horrible place like hell.
29.)"Would he not suddenly sink into the earth, leaving a barren and blasted spot, where, in due course of time, would be seen deadly nightshade, dogwood, henbane, and whatever else of vegetable wickedness the climate could produce, all flourishing with hideous luxuriance? Or would he spread bat’s wings and flee away, looking so much the uglier, the higher he rose towards Heaven"
I find it ironic that Chillingsworth is making Dimmesdale feel so guilty all the time, and secretly judging him when he has things to feel guilty about as well. I think that he actually once loved Hester and if you love someone, of course you will be jeolous but you want them to be happy. Instead Chillingworth is ruining the life of the man hester actually loves. So from this sin he commited just like he said about the old govener weeds will grow out of his grave. He does not belong in heaven at all he is compared to the leader of hell thats why he is called a bat; a bat only flys at night and they sleeping during the day. As we were kids we always grew up hearing stories about how vampires turn into bat which links to the leach he is a complete blood sucker and a life sucker.
Robert Chillingworth symbolizes the devil, and i have always grown up relating the devil and hell to fire. Everything that is beautiful or has to do with light he represents darkness and ugliness which is the exact opposite of what is always around him, so as he is present in this town he is ruining the beauty and innocence of people like Dimmesdale. He is literally driving the ministor insane always following him around, and asking him questions and constantly making the minister feel guilty. Chilingworths intentions don't come from something good he has changed into this monster who only wants revenge and as he is making Dimmesdale crazy he is going mad himself. Which is creating him into the devil.
29.) The theme Dark vs. Light
Dark is like hell and light is like heaven everything in this chapter that chillingworth is compared to has to do with dark and how he is ruining the light of things. The devil is always tampering with the beauty of nature trying to make things ugly and evil. Hester does not belong in hell she was forced to admit her sin and now she is paying for it every day but i don't think god is punishing her i think that she got a gift out of all this torture and that was pearl. Pearl is an angel sent from god and I think she is slowly changing hester with her nymph like ways. Making Hester confront her sin and not care what people think. Dimmesdale has not been able to forgive himself because he has not admitted his sin, i don't think he belongs in hell but as he keeps avoiding telling the truth he keeps getting weaker and weaker, just as chillingworth keeps getting uglier and older and sicker as he keeps getting more evil. I think that once Dimmesdale admits the truth he will be healthier and will not be on a path to a horrible place like hell.
29.)"Would he not suddenly sink into the earth, leaving a barren and blasted spot, where, in due course of time, would be seen deadly nightshade, dogwood, henbane, and whatever else of vegetable wickedness the climate could produce, all flourishing with hideous luxuriance? Or would he spread bat’s wings and flee away, looking so much the uglier, the higher he rose towards Heaven"
I find it ironic that Chillingsworth is making Dimmesdale feel so guilty all the time, and secretly judging him when he has things to feel guilty about as well. I think that he actually once loved Hester and if you love someone, of course you will be jeolous but you want them to be happy. Instead Chillingworth is ruining the life of the man hester actually loves. So from this sin he commited just like he said about the old govener weeds will grow out of his grave. He does not belong in heaven at all he is compared to the leader of hell thats why he is called a bat; a bat only flys at night and they sleeping during the day. As we were kids we always grew up hearing stories about how vampires turn into bat which links to the leach he is a complete blood sucker and a life sucker.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
words of the day.
Esoteric(adj)- Anna's esoteric though are only understood by her close intelligent friends like Jayce. People lower in intelligance(and size) have no idea what is meant.
Vitiate(vb)- Anna's annoyance has been vitiated by Mapis constant talking!
Vitiate(vb)- Anna's annoyance has been vitiated by Mapis constant talking!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Chap.14 DJ
26.)"So the child flew away like a bird, and, making bare her small white feet, went pattering along the moist margin of the sea."
Most of the things pearl symbolize come from the sky, an angel,a bird. This relates back to Pearl being sent from god as a messenger of judgment. If you think about Pearl everything she does or say kinda makes each character think about themselves. When someone judges you, you instantly think about yourself and think about how people think about you. An example of pearls judgment is when she told the minister that he should stand with them the next day in front of everyone and when he said no she tried to pull her hand away, or when she was throwing rocks at the other children, but last but not least when she always looks or mentions her mothers A. Everytime she does something like this she makes these people think about the choices they are making.
27.)“It lies not in the pleasure of the magistrates to take off this badge,” calmly replied Hester. “Were I worthy to be quit of it, it would fall away of its own nature, or be transformed into something that should speak a different purport.”
This shows the symbolism of the A lying on her chest. She knows that is a symbol of her sin and she doesn't think that she deserves to have the A removed until the sin or the guilt from the sin is gone. She feels the same amount of guilt that Dimmesdale feels she just doesn't have to feel it by herself. She has pearl, and they whole town knows about what she did so she doesn't have to hide it but in a way i think thats worse. She is judged every single day people look at her and point and exile her while dimmesdale is just living his life and punishing himself.
Most of the things pearl symbolize come from the sky, an angel,a bird. This relates back to Pearl being sent from god as a messenger of judgment. If you think about Pearl everything she does or say kinda makes each character think about themselves. When someone judges you, you instantly think about yourself and think about how people think about you. An example of pearls judgment is when she told the minister that he should stand with them the next day in front of everyone and when he said no she tried to pull her hand away, or when she was throwing rocks at the other children, but last but not least when she always looks or mentions her mothers A. Everytime she does something like this she makes these people think about the choices they are making.
27.)“It lies not in the pleasure of the magistrates to take off this badge,” calmly replied Hester. “Were I worthy to be quit of it, it would fall away of its own nature, or be transformed into something that should speak a different purport.”
This shows the symbolism of the A lying on her chest. She knows that is a symbol of her sin and she doesn't think that she deserves to have the A removed until the sin or the guilt from the sin is gone. She feels the same amount of guilt that Dimmesdale feels she just doesn't have to feel it by herself. She has pearl, and they whole town knows about what she did so she doesn't have to hide it but in a way i think thats worse. She is judged every single day people look at her and point and exile her while dimmesdale is just living his life and punishing himself.
Chap.13 DJ
24.)"The links that united her to the rest of human kind—links of flowers, or silk, or gold, or whatever the material—had all been broken. Here was the iron link of mutual crime, which neither he nor she could break. Like all other ties, it brought with it its obligations"
Everything Hester mentioned that seperates her from the rest of the society has to do with the scarlet letter. The flowers are the same color as the letter the material is the material and the gold is the threading. The flowers and there color are symbols of wildness and nature, two things that are nothing like the puritan society the puritan society is boring and gray. Silk is a material that is fine, soft, strong, and lustrous all things that Hester herself may portray. And the gold thread is what holds the A on her chest, the A has turned into something of shame to something of value and importance and the meaning has changed from adulterer to something much greater. Who is Hester without the A? This qoute also mentions that Hester and Dimmesdal are bonded together with an iron link a link that will never break. That link to me is Pearl, together they have made a child thats a bond that they can never break.
25.)"She saw that he stood on the verge of lunacy, if he had not already stepped across it. It was impossible to doubt, that, whatever painful efficacy there might be in the secret sting of remorse, a deadlier venom had been infused into it by the hand that proffered relief."(The Symbol of the snake)
Dimmesdale is going crazy and whats making him so crazy is Chillingworth. Chillingworth is like a snake which could also be reffered to evil. He has bit Dimmesdale and his poisin is causing Dimmesdale to go insane. Hester is the only one who knows about the true identity of Chillingworth so she knows that he is doing this to dimmesdale fo revenge. Snakes bite because they are territorial and if they feel threatened. Dimmesdale took something that belonged to Chillingworth and that something(hester) loved Dimmesdale more then she ever loved Chillingworth which is what made him feel threatened. Dimmesdale knows there is something evil about Chillingworth he just doesn't know why he is torturing him always following him around constantly questioning him, he has no idea that Chillingworth knows everything.
Everything Hester mentioned that seperates her from the rest of the society has to do with the scarlet letter. The flowers are the same color as the letter the material is the material and the gold is the threading. The flowers and there color are symbols of wildness and nature, two things that are nothing like the puritan society the puritan society is boring and gray. Silk is a material that is fine, soft, strong, and lustrous all things that Hester herself may portray. And the gold thread is what holds the A on her chest, the A has turned into something of shame to something of value and importance and the meaning has changed from adulterer to something much greater. Who is Hester without the A? This qoute also mentions that Hester and Dimmesdal are bonded together with an iron link a link that will never break. That link to me is Pearl, together they have made a child thats a bond that they can never break.
25.)"She saw that he stood on the verge of lunacy, if he had not already stepped across it. It was impossible to doubt, that, whatever painful efficacy there might be in the secret sting of remorse, a deadlier venom had been infused into it by the hand that proffered relief."(The Symbol of the snake)
Dimmesdale is going crazy and whats making him so crazy is Chillingworth. Chillingworth is like a snake which could also be reffered to evil. He has bit Dimmesdale and his poisin is causing Dimmesdale to go insane. Hester is the only one who knows about the true identity of Chillingworth so she knows that he is doing this to dimmesdale fo revenge. Snakes bite because they are territorial and if they feel threatened. Dimmesdale took something that belonged to Chillingworth and that something(hester) loved Dimmesdale more then she ever loved Chillingworth which is what made him feel threatened. Dimmesdale knows there is something evil about Chillingworth he just doesn't know why he is torturing him always following him around constantly questioning him, he has no idea that Chillingworth knows everything.
Robert Chillingworth
Roger Chillingworth, evil and mischievous as he is, has exiled himself from himself. He has been taken over by a demon that is causing him to do such cruel things he would have never done in the past.
This story he is referred to as a leech, which could be connected to how he sucks the truth out of Hester’s and Dimmesdales sin, but I think it has to do with how he is sucking the innocence out of himself. As he does so he continues to exile himself from the Chillingworth that Hester married years before. He has turned into this devil like creature, and what another person would usually find terrible, Chillingworth seems to be enjoying his new nature. The demon that now lives in his soul and causes him to act so wickedly is jealousy. In the beginning of the book while Hester is standing on the scaffold in complete shame Chillingworth, tells Hester “Mine was the first wrong, when I betrayed thy budding youth into a false and unnatural relation with my decay.” He knows that Hester doesn’t love him and may have never loved him, and the fact that she had a baby with another man whom she probably loved probably kills him.
This story he is referred to as a leech, which could be connected to how he sucks the truth out of Hester’s and Dimmesdales sin, but I think it has to do with how he is sucking the innocence out of himself. As he does so he continues to exile himself from the Chillingworth that Hester married years before. He has turned into this devil like creature, and what another person would usually find terrible, Chillingworth seems to be enjoying his new nature. The demon that now lives in his soul and causes him to act so wickedly is jealousy. In the beginning of the book while Hester is standing on the scaffold in complete shame Chillingworth, tells Hester “Mine was the first wrong, when I betrayed thy budding youth into a false and unnatural relation with my decay.” He knows that Hester doesn’t love him and may have never loved him, and the fact that she had a baby with another man whom she probably loved probably kills him.
words of the day
Opaque(adj)- The windows were opaque with fog which made Anna happy because then she didn't have to see Jayce through the window.
Propensity(noun)- Jayce had a propensity for being really annoying.
Propensity(noun)- Jayce had a propensity for being really annoying.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chap.12 DJ
22.)"The minister felt for the child’s other hand, and took it. The moment that he did so, there came what seemed a tumultuous rush of new life, other life than his own, pouring like a torrent into his heart, and hurrying through all his veins, as if the mother and the child were communicating their vital warmth to his half-torpid system. The three formed an electric chain."
Being with Pearl and Hester makes Dimmesdale automatically feel better. The three of them create a powerful kind of bond that is like a cure for the young reverend. The torture and hurt in his heart is momentarily gone because it is taken over by the passion he feels when with his "family". The pain inside Dimmesdale is kind of dark because he has not confessed his sin. And pearl is kind of a symbol of nature a light and her mother is also connected to nature so when he holds them the darkness kind of disappears. Pearl brings light to his life, and he could keep the lightness with him if he just confessed to the whole town his sin.
23.) “Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, to-morrow noontide?"
The moment that this small little family is somewhat amazing and pearl just wants to have it happen in front of people. Pearls innocence is a symbol of truth, when your young you don't really understand why people lie, why people are evil. So the fact that he will not claim them in front of everyone is probably just confusing to her. After he says he will not stand with them tomorrow pearl trys and pull away like she isn't happy unless the truth is being told.
Being with Pearl and Hester makes Dimmesdale automatically feel better. The three of them create a powerful kind of bond that is like a cure for the young reverend. The torture and hurt in his heart is momentarily gone because it is taken over by the passion he feels when with his "family". The pain inside Dimmesdale is kind of dark because he has not confessed his sin. And pearl is kind of a symbol of nature a light and her mother is also connected to nature so when he holds them the darkness kind of disappears. Pearl brings light to his life, and he could keep the lightness with him if he just confessed to the whole town his sin.
23.) “Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, to-morrow noontide?"
The moment that this small little family is somewhat amazing and pearl just wants to have it happen in front of people. Pearls innocence is a symbol of truth, when your young you don't really understand why people lie, why people are evil. So the fact that he will not claim them in front of everyone is probably just confusing to her. After he says he will not stand with them tomorrow pearl trys and pull away like she isn't happy unless the truth is being told.
Chap.11 DJ
19.) Inside a Heart
The titel itself is a symbol of the inner struggles Dimmesdale is facing. Even though the scars are on the outside the pain he is feeling is all inside. I think he truly loves Hester and Pearl and to see them everyday knowing that he could fix the guilt that he is facing for not claiming the young child is something he is also struggling with. He has thought about telling everyone on numerous occasion especially now since his illness is giving him so much popularity but he just can't. I think that some of this selfish, he is scared of what the public is going to do to him but he is dying anyways just holding this secret in. And i know he is paying for it by himself but I think being with Hester and Pearl is better then being in this prison like society living in secrecy.
20.)"While thus suffering under bodily disease, and gnawed and tortured by some black trouble of the soul, and given over to the machinations of his deadliest enemy, the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale had achieved a brilliant popularity in his sacred office."
Dimmesdale scarred himself to feel pain because he was guilty of a sin that he was not owning up to and he needed some kind of excruciating punishment. But i am sure the last thing he wanted was his illness to cause him to have more popularity. To me i think that means that although he made a mistake Dimmesdale is not a bad man like Chillingworth. He is paying for his sin and he himself has found a way to punish himself. Even though he may feel terribly i think that people will always know that he is a good man. But i do think he needs to confess his sin to everyone hiding it will only make him more sick and he will just keep wasting away.
21.)"And now, through the chamber which these spectral thoughts had made so ghastly, glided Hester Prynne, leading along little Pearl, in her scarlet garb, and pointing her forefinger, first, at the scarlet letter on her bosom, and then at the clergyman’s own breast."
Hester and Dimmesdale are connected through there sins and they both have the symbol of the sin on there chests. Pearl is another symbol of there sin, and i think this relates back to the comment made about her being an angel. Angels guide people and i think Pearl is trying to guide Dimmesdale, if it weren't for the judgement of this society and puritan beliefs this small family could be together but in order for them to be together he has to tell the truth. Pearl knows, in this vision that he is her father as she points the A on his chest. She has grown up with her mothers A and has her own meaning of it rather then adulterer and i think she is showing Dimmesdale that she knows about his A too and there could be a more symbolic meaning of his A just like the A of her mothers.
The titel itself is a symbol of the inner struggles Dimmesdale is facing. Even though the scars are on the outside the pain he is feeling is all inside. I think he truly loves Hester and Pearl and to see them everyday knowing that he could fix the guilt that he is facing for not claiming the young child is something he is also struggling with. He has thought about telling everyone on numerous occasion especially now since his illness is giving him so much popularity but he just can't. I think that some of this selfish, he is scared of what the public is going to do to him but he is dying anyways just holding this secret in. And i know he is paying for it by himself but I think being with Hester and Pearl is better then being in this prison like society living in secrecy.
20.)"While thus suffering under bodily disease, and gnawed and tortured by some black trouble of the soul, and given over to the machinations of his deadliest enemy, the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale had achieved a brilliant popularity in his sacred office."
Dimmesdale scarred himself to feel pain because he was guilty of a sin that he was not owning up to and he needed some kind of excruciating punishment. But i am sure the last thing he wanted was his illness to cause him to have more popularity. To me i think that means that although he made a mistake Dimmesdale is not a bad man like Chillingworth. He is paying for his sin and he himself has found a way to punish himself. Even though he may feel terribly i think that people will always know that he is a good man. But i do think he needs to confess his sin to everyone hiding it will only make him more sick and he will just keep wasting away.
21.)"And now, through the chamber which these spectral thoughts had made so ghastly, glided Hester Prynne, leading along little Pearl, in her scarlet garb, and pointing her forefinger, first, at the scarlet letter on her bosom, and then at the clergyman’s own breast."
Hester and Dimmesdale are connected through there sins and they both have the symbol of the sin on there chests. Pearl is another symbol of there sin, and i think this relates back to the comment made about her being an angel. Angels guide people and i think Pearl is trying to guide Dimmesdale, if it weren't for the judgement of this society and puritan beliefs this small family could be together but in order for them to be together he has to tell the truth. Pearl knows, in this vision that he is her father as she points the A on his chest. She has grown up with her mothers A and has her own meaning of it rather then adulterer and i think she is showing Dimmesdale that she knows about his A too and there could be a more symbolic meaning of his A just like the A of her mothers.
Vocab Words
Opaque (adj)-Not able to be seen through; not transparent.
Propensity (noun)-An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.
Esoteric (adj)-Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
Vitiated (v)-Spoil or impair the quality of efficiency of.
Magnate (noun)- A wealthy and influential person.
Malleable (adj)-Able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.
Dearth (noun)- A scarcity of something
Florid (adj)- Having a red or flushed complexion.
Evanescent (adj)- Soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.
Veneration (verb)- Regard with great respect; revere.
Propensity (noun)-An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.
Esoteric (adj)-Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
Vitiated (v)-Spoil or impair the quality of efficiency of.
Magnate (noun)- A wealthy and influential person.
Malleable (adj)-Able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.
Dearth (noun)- A scarcity of something
Florid (adj)- Having a red or flushed complexion.
Evanescent (adj)- Soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.
Veneration (verb)- Regard with great respect; revere.
Chap.10 DJ
17.)“This man,” said he, at one such moment, to himself, “pure as they deem him,—all spiritual as he seems,—hath inherited a strong animal nature from his father or his mother. Let us dig a little farther in the direction of this vein!”
In this book they have repeatedly mention that children are the way they are because of there parents. Pearl is a demon because of the wrong her parents committed and now Chillingworth is saying that Dimmesdale has inherited an animal like nature from one of his parents. It actually relates to present times. People are the way they are because of there parents. The only difference is that now people are the way they are because of the way there parents raised them rather then back then where children are supposedly the way they are just from the way there parents were or because of the bad things there parents did. I think that back then everything was linked to religion so if you sinned your children are going to pay.
18.)"which bore no tombstone, nor other memorial of the dead man, save these ugly weeds that have taken upon themselves to keep him in remembrance. They grew out of his heart, and typify, it may be, some hideous secret that was buried with him, and which he had done better to confess during his lifetime.”
This story seems to me like it is all about how the wrongs people did will somehow show.
For example pearl is the symbol of Hesters sin and the dark leaved plant growing from the heart of the dead man is the symbol of the wrong he committed. Everyone has sins, some people bury them with there bodies others confess them for a relieving feeling. There are those who don't even care about the sins they committed and then there are those like Dimmesdale who grieve in self pain and constantly feel guilt and never let themselves free by just confessing the truth.
In this book they have repeatedly mention that children are the way they are because of there parents. Pearl is a demon because of the wrong her parents committed and now Chillingworth is saying that Dimmesdale has inherited an animal like nature from one of his parents. It actually relates to present times. People are the way they are because of there parents. The only difference is that now people are the way they are because of the way there parents raised them rather then back then where children are supposedly the way they are just from the way there parents were or because of the bad things there parents did. I think that back then everything was linked to religion so if you sinned your children are going to pay.
18.)"which bore no tombstone, nor other memorial of the dead man, save these ugly weeds that have taken upon themselves to keep him in remembrance. They grew out of his heart, and typify, it may be, some hideous secret that was buried with him, and which he had done better to confess during his lifetime.”
This story seems to me like it is all about how the wrongs people did will somehow show.
For example pearl is the symbol of Hesters sin and the dark leaved plant growing from the heart of the dead man is the symbol of the wrong he committed. Everyone has sins, some people bury them with there bodies others confess them for a relieving feeling. There are those who don't even care about the sins they committed and then there are those like Dimmesdale who grieve in self pain and constantly feel guilt and never let themselves free by just confessing the truth.
Chap.9 DJ
15.)"His first entry on the scene, few people could tell whence, dropping down, as it were, out of the sky, or starting from the nether earth, had an aspect of mystery, which was easily heightened to the miraculous"
If one were to fall from sky they would probably be falling from heaven, but to arise from the ground you would be coming from hell. People seem to be wondering if he is good or bad, but they have no idea because they don't know were he came from. But he is a skilled doctor so they are not asking to many question of his origin. His source of medicine is from nature which in unlike the normal puritan medicine but he knows what he is doing so again they do not ask questions. It is obvious to a reader but not to the towns people that he is evil which means he has arisen from below(hell).
16.)" As not only the disease interested the physician, but he was strongly moved to look into the character and qualities of the patient, these two men, so different in age, came gradually to spend much time together."
Chillingworth has taken an interest to Dimmesdale, and he is a very smart man so he must know that there is something going on with the young reverend. Chillingworth has been known to read people so maybe he saw that Dimmesdale is hiding something. I think that Dimmesdale does not want medical help because he feels the need to pay for the wrong he committed and the pain he is going through is just punishment. It might not be good that Dimmesdale is going to be spending so much time with Chillingworth because i think that Dimmesdale is a truly good person who made a mistake but Chillingworth just seems like pure evil he is a schemer and think that he is scheming a plan for the reverend. Although they seem to be getting along quite nicely it doesn't seem real to me. Roger Chillingworth doesn't seem like a friend type of person. I don't think he would ever actually befriend someone without ulterior motives.
If one were to fall from sky they would probably be falling from heaven, but to arise from the ground you would be coming from hell. People seem to be wondering if he is good or bad, but they have no idea because they don't know were he came from. But he is a skilled doctor so they are not asking to many question of his origin. His source of medicine is from nature which in unlike the normal puritan medicine but he knows what he is doing so again they do not ask questions. It is obvious to a reader but not to the towns people that he is evil which means he has arisen from below(hell).
16.)" As not only the disease interested the physician, but he was strongly moved to look into the character and qualities of the patient, these two men, so different in age, came gradually to spend much time together."
Chillingworth has taken an interest to Dimmesdale, and he is a very smart man so he must know that there is something going on with the young reverend. Chillingworth has been known to read people so maybe he saw that Dimmesdale is hiding something. I think that Dimmesdale does not want medical help because he feels the need to pay for the wrong he committed and the pain he is going through is just punishment. It might not be good that Dimmesdale is going to be spending so much time with Chillingworth because i think that Dimmesdale is a truly good person who made a mistake but Chillingworth just seems like pure evil he is a schemer and think that he is scheming a plan for the reverend. Although they seem to be getting along quite nicely it doesn't seem real to me. Roger Chillingworth doesn't seem like a friend type of person. I don't think he would ever actually befriend someone without ulterior motives.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Chap.8 DJ
12.)"the physician as well as friend of the young minister, whose health had severely suffered, of late, by his too unreserved self-sacrifice to the labors and duties of the pastoral relation."
Dimmesdale is obviously extremely committed to his job as the Reverend, you would think that someone do devoted to what they do would never do anything to lose it. But peoples emotions can take control and he must have loved Hester because i don't think he would do something like this without being in love. I think it is so ironic that him and Chillingworth are friends. They are so unaware of whom each other are. And Hester is there connector, the man she married when she was young has befriended the father of her child, and also the man that Chillingworth is searching for to "not get revenge on".
13.)“I am my mother’s child,” answered the scarlet vision, “and my name is Pearl!”
Pearl is wearing a dress that is the same color as the A that is on her mothers chest. The Scarlet color to me is a symbol of something wild, different, beautiful just like peal and the Letter. Pearl seems to be proud to be Hesters daughter and she does not care to answer the mans questions about Christianity. I think this links to the scarlet color and the rose bush because she is wild and she seems to be more spiritual through nature. Not saying she believes in things like the Indians do, it's more like she is a symbol of spirituality through nature.
14.)"the child finally announced that she had not been made at all, but had been plucked by her mother off the bush of wild roses, that grew by the prison-door."
Again referring to the rose bush which symbolizes beauty and wildness. This is all unlike the puritan society which means that if the rose bush is beauty then puritan society must be ugly/bland. I think that Hester symbolizes the entire Rose bush and pearl is calling herself a rose from the rose bush. she is a part of Hester and they should not take her away from her roots.
Dimmesdale is obviously extremely committed to his job as the Reverend, you would think that someone do devoted to what they do would never do anything to lose it. But peoples emotions can take control and he must have loved Hester because i don't think he would do something like this without being in love. I think it is so ironic that him and Chillingworth are friends. They are so unaware of whom each other are. And Hester is there connector, the man she married when she was young has befriended the father of her child, and also the man that Chillingworth is searching for to "not get revenge on".
13.)“I am my mother’s child,” answered the scarlet vision, “and my name is Pearl!”
Pearl is wearing a dress that is the same color as the A that is on her mothers chest. The Scarlet color to me is a symbol of something wild, different, beautiful just like peal and the Letter. Pearl seems to be proud to be Hesters daughter and she does not care to answer the mans questions about Christianity. I think this links to the scarlet color and the rose bush because she is wild and she seems to be more spiritual through nature. Not saying she believes in things like the Indians do, it's more like she is a symbol of spirituality through nature.
14.)"the child finally announced that she had not been made at all, but had been plucked by her mother off the bush of wild roses, that grew by the prison-door."
Again referring to the rose bush which symbolizes beauty and wildness. This is all unlike the puritan society which means that if the rose bush is beauty then puritan society must be ugly/bland. I think that Hester symbolizes the entire Rose bush and pearl is calling herself a rose from the rose bush. she is a part of Hester and they should not take her away from her roots.
Chap.7 DJ
10.)"On the supposition that pearl, as already hinted, was demon origin, these good people not unreasonably argued that a Christian interest in the mother's soul required them to remove such a stumbling-block from her path."
They don't think that pearl should be with her mother anymore so she can go on the right path. They want her to be like every other child in this society and then become like every other adult in this society. Pearl to me is amazing, she is different and she doesn't care! Taking her away from her mother will not change pearl it will probably just depress her, they will not allow her to be herself which is like a "nymph". Besides who would chose to raise this child of "demon origin" the Puritans think she is so evil and i am sure none of them would step and raise her.
11.)"She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence, the scarlet fever, or some such half fledged judgment, whose mission was to punish the sins of the rising generation."
They think that pearl is going to spread her evil ways to the rest of the children. They call her an angel which I think is weird because angels are supposed to be a good thing thing to those who believe in god. An angel is a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, so maybe what Hawthorne is saying is that she is trying to guide these people into the right direction. The puritans are supposedly acting the way they do because thats what god wants them to do but why would god send this angel to them?
They don't think that pearl should be with her mother anymore so she can go on the right path. They want her to be like every other child in this society and then become like every other adult in this society. Pearl to me is amazing, she is different and she doesn't care! Taking her away from her mother will not change pearl it will probably just depress her, they will not allow her to be herself which is like a "nymph". Besides who would chose to raise this child of "demon origin" the Puritans think she is so evil and i am sure none of them would step and raise her.
11.)"She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence, the scarlet fever, or some such half fledged judgment, whose mission was to punish the sins of the rising generation."
They think that pearl is going to spread her evil ways to the rest of the children. They call her an angel which I think is weird because angels are supposed to be a good thing thing to those who believe in god. An angel is a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, so maybe what Hawthorne is saying is that she is trying to guide these people into the right direction. The puritans are supposedly acting the way they do because thats what god wants them to do but why would god send this angel to them?
Chap.6 DJ
7.)"Her Pearl--for so had Hester called her; not as a name expressive of her aspect, which had nothing of the calm, white, unimpassioned lustre that would be indicated by the comparison. But she named the infant "Pearl," as being of great price--purchased with all she had--her mother's only treasure!"
Pearl is continuously compared to nature, a pearl has been known to be something something very rare, fine, admirable, and valuable. Hester has lost everything she had but gained Pearl. So now Pearl is everything Hester has which makes her valuable and she is much different then normal children more wild which makes her rare and she is extremely beautiful like her mother.
8.)"snatching up stones to fling at them, with shrill, incoherent exclamations that made her mother tremble, because they had so much the sound of witch's anathemas in some unknown tongue."
Again Pearl is being compared to something evil as she chucks rocks at little kids, which is pretty wrong in this town i would say. Whats funny is that it frowned upon to throw rocks but the other kids instigated it by saying mean things to her. Puritans are not supposed to gossip if they do they will be punished but it seems like all this community does is gossip about Hester and Pearl shouldn't they all be facing some kind of punishment.
9.)"nor was Pearl the only child to whom this inauspicious origin was assigned, among the New England Puritans"
Hester is not the only mother or parent who has committed a sin and they think that when kids act wickedly it is because of there mothers sin but she is not alone. I am sure there are many people who have committed sins in the Puritan society who have not been discovered. Puritans are pretty much all prisoners of there own society they aren't allowed to be individual at all they all have to act the same way do the same things have the same morals, so it would be hard not to sin. Hester was caught though so everyone knows about her and Pearl is growing up with this isolated mother but she is different then the other children she is individual and to a non-puritan is a good thing.
Pearl is continuously compared to nature, a pearl has been known to be something something very rare, fine, admirable, and valuable. Hester has lost everything she had but gained Pearl. So now Pearl is everything Hester has which makes her valuable and she is much different then normal children more wild which makes her rare and she is extremely beautiful like her mother.
8.)"snatching up stones to fling at them, with shrill, incoherent exclamations that made her mother tremble, because they had so much the sound of witch's anathemas in some unknown tongue."
Again Pearl is being compared to something evil as she chucks rocks at little kids, which is pretty wrong in this town i would say. Whats funny is that it frowned upon to throw rocks but the other kids instigated it by saying mean things to her. Puritans are not supposed to gossip if they do they will be punished but it seems like all this community does is gossip about Hester and Pearl shouldn't they all be facing some kind of punishment.
9.)"nor was Pearl the only child to whom this inauspicious origin was assigned, among the New England Puritans"
Hester is not the only mother or parent who has committed a sin and they think that when kids act wickedly it is because of there mothers sin but she is not alone. I am sure there are many people who have committed sins in the Puritan society who have not been discovered. Puritans are pretty much all prisoners of there own society they aren't allowed to be individual at all they all have to act the same way do the same things have the same morals, so it would be hard not to sin. Hester was caught though so everyone knows about her and Pearl is growing up with this isolated mother but she is different then the other children she is individual and to a non-puritan is a good thing.
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